Sunday, October 2, 2016

Halloween Night Ouija Board Summoning planned in Chicago

By My Mystic Gems
 (Chicago) October 3rd, 2016 -The power of the Ouija and Spirit talking boards is astounding, amazing and often beyond belief. Most of the western culture believes the boards to be dangerous in all but the most experienced hands of an occult practitioner. The reason is because of the close contact with spirits, even sharing space with them, as they convey messages through fingertips, planchette, and letter board. When utilized with due respect, the spirits can give answers, messages, and even prophecies. In Chicago on Halloween Night, the psychic known as Koven will lead the most daring use of the spirit boards, opening a portal between this realm and the astral realm of spirits. Koven will summon forth the spirits and compel them to answer the questions of the querent.  This will all be performed on the closing night of The Last Act of the Apocalypse, a Psychic Show.

Koven explains that by creating an environment which allows positive spiritual contact between user, board, and spirit, a broad spectrum of forces and energies will coalesce. Parallel universes, overlapping dimensional spaces, vibrational planes, and transdimensional portals were once considered inconceivable sci-fi fantasies. Today those very same forces are at the center of the scientific world of quantum and energy physics. It is perceived that all these ideas have truth, and if they are possible, then all the great ones, the shamans, priests, priestesses, witches, healers, and cunning woman, have always had an understanding of these concepts. Their knowledge was always true, even if they could not fully express it. This Halloween, we want to test the old ways by seeking to awaken something truly ancient within us all.

The Ouija Board is one technique Koven will use, among other, all towards the purpose of awakening the spirits and receiving answers to our questions.  As a connected spirit device, we can use the board to provide a comprehensible, if somewhat terrifying, conversation. By linking many Ouija and talking boards together, using crystal transmissions, forms of reiki, and ESP skills, it is our expectation to be able to receive so much data, knowledge, messages and impressions that we will get a prophetic understanding of the future.

This adventure into the supernatural begins opening night, October 13th, 2016, ‘The Last Act of the Apocalypse’ – A Psychic Show, Koven and his team of psychic adventurers, will spend the evening  sharing readings and messages to all those attend. This show will take place at the Occult Bookstore, 1164 N. Milwaukee, Chicago, the World’s Oldest Metaphysical Store.

You can see the show in Chicago:
For more information, email Koven at

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Time Travel begins in Chicago: The General Time Convention

Plaque at site of Grand Plaza Hotel
Chicago, the new city in the garden, is home of the first time travel portal. As a city, Chicago is uniquely focused with the science and exploration of all realms of thought. Looking through Chicago history we see the ripples of the passage of time travelers have been rumored. Yet in order for any system or platform to be built, it would require time synchronization on a global level. That event would create a change in time perception. That event occurred at The General Time Convention of 1883.

The General Time Convention created a universal time standard to the United States, and the principles were agreed upon in Chicago on October 11th, 1883. This act of unified agreement among all the railroads set forth creating time as a simultaneous event for all people, each having exactly the measurement of time. This act would lead towards the centralized mastery of unified time required for a industrialized society.

First it was the railways which adopted the time standard, Chicago being the first city to set all its clocks based on the Signal shared by all. This single passage from Pittsburg to Chicago, Chicago to the Continent, beginning controlled time, even if nothing more than fine control of its linear measurement as shared by all humanity.

Chicago is in a race for time travel, and early signs that they win, from the signs are there, echoing back and forth across the city past, present, and at some point, future. The Chicago Singularity Event indicate the primary event is in the near future.

On October 31st, 2016 Koven will seek to amplify psionic energy, focused to open the veil, allowing for favorable conditions for another time event to occur. This will be in the energetic effect of the larger event occurring at the end of The Last Act of the Apocalypse. 

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Do you suffer from Future Shock Syndrome?

Do  you suffer from Future Shock?  Future shock, a condition coined by Alvin Toffler, describes the social paralysis induced by rapid technological change. The condition can create stress, extreme anxiety, and emotional trauma.  Having suffered under this condition can lead to mental breakdown, sense of loss, and disconnection from the world around you.  Do you suffer from symptoms of Future Shock?

1. Do you feel overwhelmed by current technological change?
2. Do you suffer from fear and paralysis when faced with learning a new device or technology?
3. Do you wish that the devices you use wouldn’t change?
4. Do you feel we are losing familiarity with our institutions such as religion, politics, schools?
5. Do you fear you are going to lose your job to automation or robots?
6. Do you get anxious when new technologies, such as a new cellphone or self-driving cars are introduced?
7. Do you think your history is being changed or even erased?
8. Do you worry the younger generation are growing up to quickly?
9. Do you wonder if you will be forced into accepting implants, medical services, and treatments?
10. Do you desire for the rapid change of technology would slow down?

If you answered yes  to 0-3 questions, you are a technological adopter and futurist.
If you answered yes to  4-6 questions, you have a case of limited future anxiety and can handle what is happening.
If you answered yes to 6-9 questions, you are suffering from future shock and suffer technological anxiety.
If you answered yes to all 10 questions, you are suffering from social psychosis and paralysis from Future Shock Anxiety Disorder.

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Koven's Psychic Awakening Experiment 10-31-2016

     Publicly I have been discussing my next experiment, part of my show Last Act of the Apocaylpse’, during October. Within it has been the discussion of the use of a Ouija Board and other spiritual tools, to open a portal, and see the future.  It is the culmination of 40 years of study and work.
      So to clarify my next great experiment in Magical and Psychic phenomena, this October I will pulling together a lifetime of ritual and magic. My goal is nothing less that to create a psychic, magical event that will be undeniable.  To create a way to reach deep into the source of life and energy, to discover and manifest an awakening that creates a new wave of phenomena, in Chicago and globally. It will cumulate on October 31st, 2016. When I do, I will an experience/event that should effect every psychic in the world, something so strong that they cannot ignore it.
      It is no secret that I have laid a crystal grid that encompasses whole cities, focused on Chicago, but includes Capetown, Barcelona, Melbourne, Salt Lake City, Salem, Kansas City, New York, Los  and many others. I have been assisted by thousands of others, who have laid down their grids, including magical spaces across the globe. It is estimated that as many as a million crystals have been activated in the Great Crystal Web.  
         While the Great Crystal Web exists for everyone, it was created to seek an increase in psychic energy.  The web has been a focus of many rituals, and has been active since the Harmonic convergence, and quantified in 1988. Since then every type of mystic energy has been programed into it, being found in many nations, and even greater number of locations.  If you accept the concept of consciousness as a state of matter, then we have programmed a sentience into ours. The Crystal Web is not just magical, not just psychic; it is spiritual as well, having an underlying sentience and desire to express itself.
       In and of itself, the Great Crystal Web would not be enough, so I have collected crystals bound to major events, which have had energy from hundreds of practitioners, from beginners to the global leaders.  I have also worked with and casted spells with those who call themselves Witches, Wizards, Priests, High Priests, Magicians, Psychics, Empaths, Shamans, Gurus, and even Gods.  Each has been casted and bound to this singular event. I have collected artifacts, used them, and got them into hands of practitioners who are tied into the web. 
     So as I work, I will be able to augment any spell, any psychic skill, any portal to a larger and stronger response.  For those who know me personally, recognize that I have been on this quest, and have manifested it globally.  No previous magician has had the scope of knowledge, the range of travel, and the meeting/working with magical beings in the way that I have. I have drawn so many into an electronic web, now the psychic telepathic web will come to pass in the 21st century of this era.
   When I complete the task, there will be a telepathic signal from an open portal,  created from this magical construct, that will feed the system, and activate every psychic, magician, and energy worker within its range.  It will be felt, even detected, and will create an opening in the veil forever.
   Why do this? Because the Apocalypse is about lifting the veil, and if successful, will reveal the world anew, a magical world, that shares our physical one.  People will be able to access their psychic selves deeper, and remember more, including past lives. Energy will flow better, and the world will face a new level of psychic, spiritual and supernatural phenomena.  That is my goal of this life’s work.
    Are you ready?

So are you ready?
(aka Ed H.)